Using the Net for the Mission of Christ

It is obvious that the internet is one of the great examples of change that the church must embrace if it going to be relevant in the 21st century.  After reading the most recent posts, I was interested to check the stats of how many views/visitors that we have had to our church’s website and I was amazed.  Without even marketing our church’s website, we have had over 3000 unique visitors in the past 7 days!   Continue reading

Forward Leadership Blog & The Church of God Has No Future Blog

There have been some additions to the COG Blogosphere…some delectable treats.  Check these guys out:

  • Bill Isaacs, Jason Isaacs, and Jeremy Isaacs are rockin’ the web with the Forward Leadership blog.  They kicked it off with a great interview with David Boggs.  Add these guys to your blogroll and visit often.  When you stop in, ask Bill to hook up with a reciprocal link.  Travis Johnson has a little link there already.  But, the flagship COGblog has no representation.  Hook a brother up!
  • The Church of God Has No Future blog.  That’s a heck of a name that freaked me out and kept me on the sidelines for a bit.  Then, I found out it was Jonathan Stone.  And, I found out what the site was all about.  With guys like Jon sharing ridiculously strong ideas from a ridiculously credible position, there is definitely a strong future for the mission of Christ in the Church of God.